ANICA UNEFA will be attending the 2023 MIA Market from October 9-13, 2023
UNEFA (Union of Film and Audiovisual Exporters) since the early 80's, groups together all the companies operating in this complex field of International Audiovisual Business. The companies gathering under the UNEFA banner are the same that over the years have promoted Italian cinema world wide with pride and passion. In today´s market, dominated by the power of large conglomerates, UNEFA´s companies are a guarantee of experience. Nearly eighty per cent of the entire Italian audiovisual production over the last 60 years, is handled by UNEFA´s associates. UNEFA represents the continuity of Italian Cinema in the world: libraries of Italian Classics and promotion of new contemporary cinema.
ANICA UNEFA will be attending the 2023 MIA Market from October 9-13, 2023
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